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Putting the Pro in Production!

In my three and half years of working in Branded Video Content for Meredith Corporation I have partnered with clients of all sizes to create videos that transcend straight advertisements and instead tell the story behind the product, the problem the product can solve or the people who rely most on the product. In addition to working with high profile clients like Clinique, Olay and Ghirardelli I have also had the unique opportunity to work with prestige brands within Meredith's portfolio like People, Entertainment Weekly and Parents. I've done every element of pre and postproduction from being in the trenches helping an art director create a miniature mountain for Mentos' Yes to Fresh campaign to supervising the edit of an $800K program for Clinique centered around their Even Better, Together Spanish language programming.

I’m currently in the process of wrapping a large-scale program as part of a partnership entitled 25 Reasons to Smile between Burt’s Bees and People En Espanol as part of their 25th anniversary programming. The program focused on working with 25 Latina influencers and though the footage was technically “user generated” and captured on their iPhones, we put significant work into crafting their talking points, framing their shots and advising on b-roll. These 25 vides live unified under a gorgeous tentpole introductory video hosted by the People En Espanol Fashion and Beauty Editor Kika Rocha. We shot on location in Central Park on an Alexa Mini and our client approved our R1 with no notes, a first for me.

In addition to my branded content experience, I also have also worked as an assistant for a C Suite Executive at a New York Fashion Brand, an experience that has rid me of any shred of an ego. I learned early on in production that similar to being an assistant, as Producer there’s no real that arises to which one can respond, “that’s not my job”. The production is the job and it requires whatever it requires.

I have an MFA in screenwriting from Stephens College, a program designed to increase the number of women working behind the camera across film and TV. This training has allowed me to seamlessly slip into creating powerful AV scripts that achieve client's goals. However, it's not solely a one-to-one skill. In addition to scriptwriting, my ability to communicate and the training I've received helps me across the board. Whether it's communicating internally with teammates or higher ups, problem solving with vendors or level setting with clients, the importance of my ability to communicate clearly and efficiently can't be overstated.

Finally, I have worked on independent film productions and one of my key personality traits is staying up to date on film and television. This allows me to stay abreast of critical updates at the highest level that then trickle down to affect even the smallest productions. Whether that's the newest technology, the latest trend, or awards bait I keep myself informed and will bring that information to work with me in all capacities as a producer.

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